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Server Rules

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Server Rules Empty Server Rules

Post by ShatterGames Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:29 pm

A more in-depth read-up on the server rules.

  • Do not ask for anything: Don’t ask for op, builder, drop parties, or anything. If you want to apply for positions as builder or a moderator, visit the Applications section. Asking for this on the server is just spam.

  • You are allowed to grief other people: This is the idea of a faction server. You raid, and get raided. If someone raids you, learn from it, and move on, (I.E. raid them back.)

  • Don’t cheat: Any modification to your minecraft.jar that helps you with PvP is ban worthy. A list of these may include: x-ray, fly, spider, water walking, floating, anti-knockback, sprint helpers, speed, inv helpers, aim-bots, critical hits, and fast clicking. I’m sure I’ve missed some, so if you’re in doubt: Do not use it. You may get banned.

  • Use correct chat etiquette: Don’t swear, caps, spam, or advertise. Spam is saying something any more than two times.

  • Don’t argue with admin: We don’t troll. And we have a good understanding of common sense. Chances are we are correct. Having said that, there is a possibility that we will recruit a new member, and he might not understand everything. If this happens: take screen captures of the chat, and post it in the support section. We will look into it. If you argue with him, regardless of who is right or wrong, your point of view will be disqualified. Be professional.

If you break these rules you may be: kicked, temp-banned, or perm-ban, depending on how severe the offense was. If you are banned, and you think it is unreasonable, post a topic in the support section explaining your case.


Posts : 47
Join date : 2013-04-14


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